Hi Grade 7,
Short week due to Teacher's Convention.
We will meet in the Aux Gym for Fitness and more exciting Tchoukball.
Learning Intentions:
-Transition defense to offense
-Shooting, passing, receiving a ball
-Fitness as a stress buster-Healthy Coping Strategies
-We are all strong
-How does your heart react?
-Technique matters in strength.
-Which muscles are the primary muscles used in squat? Pushups? Plank?
-Where are the toes in your squat? Angle of hip (lead back with hip), counter balance of arms to gluteals back.
-Can sitting cross legged on the floor be healthy? Why? Why not?
THERE ARE GRADE 9 Pics being taken in the Aux Gym this week.
How do you take care of your health? Physical, Mental & Emotional Benefits :)
Without CHALLENGE there is no CHANGE.
Ms. Owen
7-4 Homeroom students only- Google Meet
Hi everyone, This message is for students in 7-4. This morning at 10:00am there will be a google meet up happening!! Yay! Please check ...
Hi Grade 7, This week is our annual track and field unit. All students should have signed up for 3 events of your choice. Students are ...
Hi Grade 7!! Wow! Who could have known that things would have become so different for us so quickly? While School is not open for us to l...
Hello, On behalf of Sport Calgary , I would like to invite you and your students to take part in All Sport One Day . On June 15, 2...