Sunday, February 10, 2019

Tchoukball & Fitness

Hi Grade 7,

Short week due to Teacher's Convention.

We will meet in the Aux Gym for Fitness and more exciting Tchoukball.

Learning Intentions:

-Transition defense to offense
-Shooting, passing, receiving a ball
-Fitness as a stress buster-Healthy Coping Strategies
-We are all strong
-How does your heart react?
-Technique matters in strength.
-Which muscles are the primary muscles used in squat? Pushups? Plank?
-Where are the toes in your squat? Angle of hip (lead back with hip), counter balance of arms to gluteals back.
-Can sitting cross legged on the floor be healthy?  Why? Why not? 

THERE ARE GRADE 9 Pics being taken in the Aux Gym this week.

How do you take care of your health?  Physical, Mental & Emotional Benefits :)

Without CHALLENGE there is no CHANGE.

Ms. Owen

7-4 Homeroom students only- Google Meet

Hi everyone, This message is for students in 7-4. This morning at 10:00am there will be a google meet up happening!! Yay! Please check ...